Associates & Affiliates
M.S. 2004, James Cook University, Queensland, Australia Brian is interested in quantitatively assessing the status and trends of ‘big river’ native fish stocks in the Colorado River. His approach uses standard statistical techniques but he also is developing and applying techniques that are unique to the type of data available and the difficulties associated with data for species that are rare and reintroduced. He also likes to get his feet wet occasionally and assists with monitoring programs throughout the Colorado River basin in Arizona and farther a field. Brian has worked with Dr. Marsh and the Native Fish Lab since 1998. B.S. Accountancy, National University Beverly has worked as a contractor for the Native Fish Lab since 2009 and became a full time employee August of 2014. Her love of the outdoors makes her office work easy to be passionate about. She is also the Treasurer of Marsh Education, and dedicated to get Sharing Tails back in Arizona schools. M.S. 1996, Texas A&M University Ms. Pacey has been with the Native Fish Lab since 1998 and plays multiple roles within the organization. She developed and presents statewide the wildly successful “Sharing Tails” educational program that teaches kindergarten and early elementary school children about native Arizona fishes (see the link above and on our home page). She also is responsible for primary maintenance of the lower Colorado River native fishes PIT tag mark and recapture database and analyzes and interprets field data for reports and publications. When not too busy with other duties she assists with field and laboratory work, makes presentations to professional groups, attends meetings, and interacts with M&As myriad cooperators. B.S. 2022 Conservation Biology and Ecology, Arizona State University Paul started working at the Native Fish Lab in August 2022. At M&A, Paul is the field lead for the Gila River Basin Native Fish Conservation Monitoring program. When he isn’t in the field, he works on data entry, analysis, and writing technical papers. Paul enjoys hunting, fishing, and visiting wild places with his wife and sons around the Southwest. B.Sc. 2019 Marine Biology, Southern Arkansas University Wes joined the Marsh & Associates team in January of 2023. Before this, he worked as a North Pacific Groundfish Observer in the Bering Sea off the coast of Alaska. In his master’s research, he focused on assessing microplastic pollution in freshwater systems in South Texas. Wes enjoys researching fish, hiking, road tripping, and cliff jumping. At M&A, he leads the Northern Pike monitoring and telemetry project on Utah Lake and assists with other coworkers’ projects. When not in the field, Wes writes annual reports, writes R code, creates maps, and presents at scientific conferences. B.S. 2021 Environmental Science, Virginia Commonwealth University. Alex started at the Native Fish Lab in February 2022 after graduating the previous year from Virginia Commonwealth University. Alex enjoys hiking, camping, swimming, and bird watching. At M&A, she leads a non-native fish removal project based out of Aravaipa & Bonita creeks and works on building/maintaining PIT antennas used in the monitoring of native fishes in the Colorado River. When not in the field Alex assists in data entry and analysis, maintaining field equipment, and writing technical reports.
M.Sc. 2021 Ocean, Coastal & Earth Sciences, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley
B.S. 2020 Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology Fisheries Scientist I Cora started working at Marsh and Associates in September 2023. After graduating UC Davis, she’s worked with several various species including rainbow trout, olive ridley sea turtles, bald eagles, and now native desert southwest fishes. Currently, at M&A she assists with monitoring projects in the Gila River Basin and helps build/maintain PIT antennas for endangered razorback sucker in the Colorado River. When Cora isn’t in the field, she enjoys going to concerts, hiking, swimming, and traveling to new places.
B.S. 2021 Biology, Northern Arizona University Allison started working at the Native Fish lab in August 2023. At M&A, she leads a project monitoring the population of razorback sucker in Lake Mohave using PIT scanning antennas. When not in the field, she assists with data entry and analysis, maintaining field equipment, and writing technical reports. Allison enjoys traveling, kayaking, and enjoying nature with her friends and family.